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Concealed Carry

Constitutional (Permitless) Carry of Concealed Weapons
Starting July 1, 2023, new legislation takes effect in the state of Florida which authorizes a person to carry a concealed weapon or firearm pursuant to a valid concealed weapons license or without a concealed weapons license provided that the criteria for obtaining a license is met. 
Myth: Concealed Weapon License are going away.
Fact: The Florida Department of Agriculture will continue to maintain the program and issue new permits. Concealed Weapon License (CWL) still have benefits including reciprocity in other states that recognize Florida’s CWLs and the ability to purchase / take delivery of firearms the same day in lieu of a three-day waiting period. 

We provide the approved training course required by the State of Florida to qualify for a concealed weapon license. Below are links to information about the Florida Concealed Carry requirements. We will provide the training and documentation you will need to apply for your CWL. Contact us for more information. 

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